Orion Capital Services Co Ltd

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We bridge the world to Japan

Price List for Translation
  Our translation specializes between Japanese and English. We offer a quality, reliable and professional translation with in-depth understanding of your business and industry with main focus on finance, IT, industrial, and corss-boarder businesses.
English to Japanese
Japanese to English
General Translation
JPY 4,000~
JPY 5,000~
Finance related
JPY 5,000~
JPY 6,000~
Computer realted
JPY 5,000~
JPY 6,000~
Technology related
JPY 5,500~
JPY 6,500~

The price is based on 200 words per page for English to Japanese translation while 200 Japanese per page for Japanese to English translation.

Orion Group started in April 2002 with Orion International Group LLC specializing in Japan/Canada venture business consulting. In July 2007, Orion Capital Services Co Ltd was incorporated in Japan with a particular focus on resouce industry. Since then, we have helped venture and junior companies tap into the Japanese market.

We develop and execute highly effective:  

  1. Capital Strategy
  2. Business Strategy
  3. IR Strategy

Find out more About Us, then look at our Services to make your possibilities a reality.

Shinjuku Park Tower

 Park Tower N30th Floor, 3-7-1 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-1030
Phone: 813.5790.6340 | Fax: 813.5790.6340 |